Silhouettes 3 Plain


Elderly Care Homes: Hydration and Malnutrition

Good nutrition is important all through life, but never more so than in old age, when a healthy diet is a vital part of any strategy to help older people stay active, disease-free and independent.
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Losing weight in old age is 'not normal' and should be seen as an alarm bell

The Telegraph has published an article titled 'Losing weight in old age is 'not normal' and should be seen as alarm bell' discussing the warning signs and consequences of malnutirtion. A study by the Malnutrition Task Force has shown a tripling in the number of patients admitted to hospital suffering from malnutrition over the past decade. Experts have said that losing weight in old age could be an “alarm bell” for malnutrition or cancer, as losing weight is not a normal part of ageing.
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IFST Conference: Goodbye PARNUTS, hello FSG

On 1 March 2017 the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) held a conference discussing the changes in legislation from PARNUTS to FSG.
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Food and drink supply chain calls for early agreement on future UK trade with Ireland

An open letter to the UK Government on future trading with the Republic of Ireland as the United Kingdom leaves the European Union.
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Bill proposed by Alison Thewliss MP duplicates existing law

A Bill was published this week by Alison Thewliss, MP for Glasgow Central (SNP). First presented to the House of Commons on 16 November 2016, a second reading was scheduled for Friday 24 February, but has now been postponed to 24 March 2017.
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An Update on Specialist Nutrition

Specialist nutrition helps people to be healthy, survive and thrive at every stage of their lives. It supports positive health outcomes and reduces costs to the NHS. This month, our CN Column discusses two main topics.
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Infant Formula Legislation

Breastmilk is the best nutrition for a baby and the first feeds protect against infection as antibodies are passed to the baby. Where a mother cannot or chooses not to breastfeed, infant formula is the only safe alternative that should be used.
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New NICE Quality Standard on Coeliac Disease, published October 2016, supports the provision of gluten-free food on prescription

BSNA calls on CCGs to ensure that gluten free food is available on prescription. The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has launched its first Quality Standard on coeliac disease, aiming to drive standards in the diagnosis, support and care of people with coeliac disease. It also identifies areas where health inequalities negatively impact patients who suffer from coeliac disease.
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Article on 'Malnutrition in the Elderly' in NHD Magazine

BSNA has written an article on malnutrition in the elderly, which was published in NHD Magazine.
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Statement on Childhood Obesity - A Plan for Action

The British Specialist Nutrition Association (BSNA) and its members recognise their responsibility in meeting the challenges posed by obesity.
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