Infants from 0 to 12 months old

Young children under 3 years old

Patients with clinically diagnosed diseases, disorders or medical conditions

People who are critically or chronically ill
Some health conditions and diseases can be managed with nutritional solutions
These people have different nutritional needs from the general population; they are typically vulnerable groups who may require specialist care from healthcare professionals.
Specialist nutrition products are developed on the basis of ongoing research, are supported by a foundation of scientific data, and are highly regulated. They are used in hospitals, nursing homes, and in the community.
We work closely with Specialised Nutrition Europe (SNE) and the International Dietary Foods Industries (ISDI).
Download Our BrochureSNE is the trade association that represents the specialist nutrition industry in the European Union. SNE counts specialist nutrition trade associations from 19 European countries among its members. BSNA is a member of SNE.
ISDI represents the special dietary foods industry globally. Its current membership brings together national and international associations from more than 20 countries over 6 continents and it holds Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) status with Codex Alimentarius. BSNA is a member of ISDI.