Silhouettes 3 Plain


The Department of Health and Social Care consultation recognises value of gluten-free foods for coeliacs

Gluten-free breads and flour mixes should remain on prescription to those who are clinically diagnosed with coeliac disease according to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). This announcement follows a National consultation which received an overwhelming number of responses from a range of stakeholders, including patients and clinicians.
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Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) for patients with advanced malignancy: British Intestinal Failure Alliance (BIFA) statement

Advances in the delivery of parenteral nutrition (nutrition through the vein) and improved homecare support has helped to open-up new possibilities of feeding individuals (at home) with advanced malignancy and intestinal failure.
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​Supporting the continued safe production of infant formula

BSNA members adhere to strict safety protocols to mitigate against contamination with bacteria, and formula milks are routinely tested for the presence of pathogens. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) have confirmed that no UK products have been affected by this issue.
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​New EU acrylamide legislation

Acrylamide is a chemical substance formed by a reaction between amino acids and sugars, both of which are natural components of plant and plant-derived ingredients. Acrylamide is not deliberately added to foods, it is a natural by-product of the cooking process and typically occurs when foods with high starch content such as potatoes, root vegetables and bread, are cooked at high temperatures (over 120°C).
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Commission Notice on the classification of Food for Special Medical Purposes

BSNA welcomes the Commission Notice on the classification of Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMPs) to ensure EU harmonisation on the scope and definition of the category
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Study finds gluten-free mixes superior to plain gluten-free flour

A study from Brunel University, comparing gluten-free multi-purpose mixes to plain gluten-free flour, found the functionality of gluten-free mixes to be superior to plain gluten-free flours.
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NEW BSNA Infographic on Baby Foods

BSNA members are committed to supporting parents and care-givers in the feeding of infants in the first three years of life by offering a wide range of specifically formulated food products. To provide an illustrative overview of the key role commercial complementary foods can play in supporting the appropriate nutrient intake in healthy babies, the legislation in place and the current nutritional picture across Europe, BSNA have designed a new baby foods infographic.
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No detectable pesticide residues found in baby foods in the UK: FSA monitoring programme highlights approaches to food safety that have been made by baby food manufacturers

All EU countries have a national monitoring programme and all major components of national diet are sampled for pesticide residues. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) carries out this essential monitoring role in the UK. FSA’s pesticide residues surveillance programme monitors pesticide residues* in food and drink, including infant foods, in the UK supply chain.
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Industry commitment to providing high quality, safe and age appropriate nutrition for infants and young children

The infant nutrition industry is committed to acting in a responsible, ethical, and professional manner. Our purpose is to provide safe and adequate nutrition for infants. When marketing follow on-formula and young child formula we provide the information necessary to support their safe and proper use.
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RCSLT and BDA formally adopt IDDSI

The Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT) and The British Dietetic Association (BDA) have formally adopted the IDDSI Framework.
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