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Infant Nutrition Industry calls for balanced reporting in important baby feeding debate

BSNA members are disappointed that Channel 4 televised a very misleading episode of Dispatches on 18 March 2019, with many inaccuracies and assertions likely to unduly concern parents who, whether due to medical need or personal choice, feed their children infant formula.
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Hard to stomach – the malnutrition emergency in the NHS

Despite having the tools to prevent disease-related malnutrition, the UK is facing an increase in cases.
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New EU Regulation on Foods for Special Medical Purposes

On 22 February 2019, the new European Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/128 on Foods for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP) will come into force. This regulation updates, but largely retains, the existing rules for FSMPs, including the definitions of the category and the nutritional composition. However, it updates specific requirements for FSMPs, including labelling and formulation.The deadline for compliance is 22 February 2019 for all FSMPs for use in patients from one years old, with the rules for FSMPs developed for infants applying from February 2020.
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Report on malnutrition in NHS hospitals

On 28 January 2019, The Sun and The Daily Mail reported: ‘Starved to death - Three patients a day die from malnutrition, thirst or choking on hospital wards’.
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Industry Committed to Responsible Interaction with Healthcare Professionals and RCPCH

The infant formula manufacturer members of BSNA are committed to responsible interaction with healthcare professionals (HCPs) as part of their support for the aims and principles of the WHO Code.
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​NHS England has published guidance for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) on the prescribing of gluten-free foods in primary care in England. This follows the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) consultation outcome, to continue to allow access to gluten-free foods on prescription in England but to restrict items to gluten-free bread products and mixes only.
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Changes to Gluten-free Prescribing in Primary Care in England

An amendment to the Prescribing Regulations came into force on the 4 December 2018 and from this date only gluten-free bread products and mixes will be available on prescription in England. All other gluten free foods will no longer be prescribed and will be blacklisted within the amended Regulation.
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The cost of infant feeding

​Breastfeeding is the best way to feed a baby and is important for both mother and baby’s health and wellbeing. Where a mother chooses not to or is unable to breastfeed BSNA’s members provide a range of formula milks available to meet the nutritional requirements of babies.
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Infant Formula Industry in the UK sets down new Code of Practice

​The manufacturers of formula milks in the UK have today committed to adhere to a new Code of Practice.
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Rice is an important contributor to a balanced and healthy diet, and a staple food source for many. Rice based cereals are often used as an important part of the weaning stage of an infant’s diet; healthcare associations continue to encourage parents to feed babies a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of infant cereals including oatmeal, wheat, multigrain or rice, from first weaning.
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