Posted on: November 29, 2023

Codex 2023
BSNA joins global colleagues to welcome the new global standard on follow-up formula for older infants and products for young children

Adopted in Rome yesterday, the new Standard sets rules for “formula for older infants” and “product for young children” reflecting the different dietary requirements of these two age groups. The new standard translates the existing scientific consensus on the required nutrition intake for both age groups to new rules on the composition and ingredients to be used for these two products categories. Particularly, the macronutrient balance between proteins, lipids and carbohydrates better reflects the dietary requirements of young children.

The ISDI Secretary General Jean Christophe Kremer commented on the news: “We congratulate Codex Alimentarius and all its member states on their agreement to the updated standard, which is the result of more than 10 years of work and expert input, including from our side. The revisions will further strengthen the ability of these products to support the healthy growth and development of older infants and young children. The most significant changes we have strongly supported lie in the limitations of carbohydrates and sugars in young children products.”

The Standard also provides room for innovation which is proven to be suitable and safe for the age groups concerned. Furthermore, the Standard allows countries to add specific rules on composition and labelling. Thanks to revisions in the standard, the labels of the 2 age groups are also better differentiated between themselves and infant formula.

BSNA supports the implementation of the Standard in the UK and will work with relevant authorities at national level to introduce products according to the new set of rules.

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