World Prematurity Day 2018

World Prematurity Day is taking place on 17 November, raising awareness of premature birth.
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The Changing Face of Parenteral Nutrition in Oncology

Choosing the appropriate nutritional intervention can play an important role in the patient’s prognosis, wellbeing and overall quality of life, either on the road to recovery or for end of life. Parenteral nutrition is an effective form of nutrition support, which can play an important role in patient care. Continued research will help to underpin and strengthen current recommendations to ensure that parenteral nutrition is offered under the correct circumstances, to those who are most likely to require it and that healthcare professionals have the necessary guidance and support in this decision making.
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Coeliac Awareness Week 2018

BSNA supports Coeliac Awareness Week 2018
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Time to take food allergy seriously

As a parent, giving your child the best possible start in life is your number one priority, and that includes giving them the right nutrition for healthy growth and development. However, when your child has a food allergy, this can be easier said than done.
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IDDSI in the UK - what does it mean?

The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) came about to develop international standardised terminology and definitions for texture modified foods and thickened liquids for people with dysphagia, helping to improve patient safety.
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Need for Integrated Care to Help Us Stay Independent for Longer - New WHO Guidelines

Losing muscle is natural, but its rate of progression and effects don’t have to be. Interventions that combine nutrition and physical activity in integrated care plans can slow, stop or reverse declines in physical function.
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Forgotten not Fixed: the increasing burden of malnutrition in England

The increasing number of cases of malnutrition in hospital and associated deaths reflect a system-wide failure to consistently screen and manage patients who are either malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. Drawing upon malnutrition data broken down by NHS Trust for 2015/16, new research commissioned by BSNA has found that more than half the hospital Trusts in England are significantly under-reporting malnutrition rates compared to accepted national estimates.
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BAPEN Annual Conference 2017

BSNA was proud to exhibit at the BAPEN Annual Conference 2017, which was also BAPEN’s 25th anniversary. The focus of this year’s conference was ‘Malnutrition Matters’, something which is very important to BSNA.
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World COPD Day

Today is World COPD Day.
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ESPEN Congress

The 39th European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) congress took place from the 9 – 12 September in The Hague, The Netherlands.
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