Posted on: November 18, 2024
The 2024 BAPEN Annual Conference took place on 5-6 November in Gateshead. The conference, hosted by the British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN), is a multi-disciplinary event bringing together leading multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals, patient groups, industry and networks from across the UK to share leading nutritional research and advances in practice.
The Opening Plenary was led by Dr Nick Thompson, BAPEN President and Consultant Gastroenterologist in Newcastle upon Tyne who announced a new Special Interest Group (SIG) BETA: British Enteral Therapy Alliance along with showcasing its engagement with UK Policymakers. The Opening Plenary also covered some highly engaging topics, including ‘Quality improvement in clinical nutrition’ by Ailsa Brotherton, ‘Getting to the gut of the problem - the impact of Dietetics in a Gastroenterology ambulatory hub’ by Christine McColgan, along with an impactful presentation on climate change by keynote speaker Hugh Montgomery who ended his presentation with 7 acts to save the world:
- Move your money to a bank that doesn’t invest in fossil fuels
- Move your energy to a 100% renewable energy source
- More plant-based food, seasonal and local
- More green travel
- More pre-loved, local and low-carbon brands
- Measure your CO footprint
- Motivate your loved ones to perform their 7 acts
Sustainability was a running theme throughout the conference, with the first day being a ‘vegan’ day. Over the two-day conference delegates heard about the exciting developments in nutrition and sarcopenia, how to measure patient outcomes, managing eating disorders on general wards, oral and enteral nutrition in palliative care, complications of home parenteral support, nutrition and the brain, nutritional management of Type 1 IF patients, along with many more brilliant symposiums.
The closing plenary saw Kevin Whelen discuss the hot topic of ultra processed food in relation to gastrointestinal disease, followed by a debate on whether protein is the most overrated substance in clinical nutrition.
BAPEN 2024 was able to bring together healthcare professionals and stakeholders to improve practice and education. BSNA and many of its members were present, displaying an engaging exhibition hall. BSNA was also able to showcase its new materials and some of the articles we have written over the year. These were all very well received by delegates.
Delegates who attended the conference were able to learn from leading experts and discover new concepts that support clinical practice. The conference had many opportunities for education, learning, development, and networking, including listening to the poster sessions which took place over the two days to hear about the latest research.
BSNA looks forward to exhibiting at the BAPEN 2025 Annual Conference in Cardiff!