Posted on: April 19, 2018
IDDSI in the UK - what does it mean?
The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) came about to develop international standardised terminology and definitions for texture modified foods and thickened liquids for people with dysphagia, helping to improve patient safety.
The Framework consists of a continuum of eight levels (0-7) and includes descriptors, testing methods and evidence for both liquid thickness and food texture levels.
In October 2017, IDDSI was adopted in the UK by The British Dietetic Association (BDA) and Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT). Over the past few months, the UK IDDSI Expert Reference Group have been working hard to develop tools to help healthcare professionals to implement the IDDSI Framework safely.
The transition to IDDSI has begun!
On1 April 2018, the transition to implement the IDDSI Framework in the UK began. Over the next 12 months, manufacturers will be updating their dysphagia product labels in line with the IDDSI descriptors. It is important to note that products will transition at different times over the next 12 months. To avoid confusion for healthcare professionals, there will be no dual labelling for thickeners.
Healthcare professionals are encouraged to speak to their suppliers if they have any questions.
ByApril 2019, IDDSI will be fully implemented across all healthcare settings.
For more information about IDDSI in the UK, please watch the video below:
A great range of great resources can be found on the BDA and RCSLT websites here: